T O P I C S IN D E S C R I P T I V E G E O M E T R Y :
Three methodes of projections :
orthogenic projection
isometric projection
perspective projection
projection of a point :
- its description in three views
- more projections of a point
- hidden points
projections of a point
description of a line :
- projections pf a straight line
- true length of a line
- parallel lines , crossing lines , visible and invisible lines
projections of a line
description of a plane :
- projections of a plane
- true length of a plane
- projections of a circle
projections of a plane
a point and a line outside a plane :
- a line parallel to a plane
- a point of
- a line perpendicular to a plane
a point and a line
two planes :
- parallel planes
- intersection of two planes
- perpendicular planes
two planes
an isometric view of a circle :
- isometric views of circles
- isometric views of curved objects
circles in isometric views
views of geometric objects :
sections :
in a cilinder
in prism objects
in a conic
in a ball
puncture points of lines :
in a cilinder
in a prism
in a conic
in a ball
prism objects with holes through them :
objects with holes through them.
penetration of prism into prism :
penetrations in prisms
penetration of prism into curved objects :
penetration of a prism into a curved object :
penetration of curved body into a curved one :
penetrations in curved objects
roofs :
sloped roofs