to complete the roof , we connect one ridge to the other with a 45 degree line .
A N O T H E R     W A Y :
- we know that the highest roof in reality will be represented in the top view by the largest rectangle .
- we have to look at the top view and find which is the largest rectangle there ( it never appears as a complete rectangle , and we must complete it in our imagination).
- once we have it - we solve it as if it is all by itself .
- then we solve the slopes and ridges of the lower roofs and connect them to the highest roof .
- at last we erase parts of the lines where the higher roof joins the lower one and becomes one plane .
O T H E R     R O OF S :
the roof on the house with the patio :
- in this kind of house it is important to understand that the horizontal ridge in each part of the house is allways in the middle of that roof .
- we start by drawing the ridges first , then we draw the 45 degree rays from each of the outside corners of the roof until they meet the ridges .
- the inside corners of the roof are to be connected with 45 degrees rays to the ridges closest to them ( which are the lower ridges ) , and from there they connect with 45 degree lines to
the higher ridges .
the roof on the house connected to a flat wall :
- this kind of roof is solved by drawing first the horizontal ridge in the middle of the roof which starts from the flat wall . from here on we solve the rest of the roof as usuall .